Product advertisement and branding for Gree home appliances. Introducing its new features and innovation that the newly launched refrigerator has with a blue ice theme in the background expressing the best cooling functionality and hitting the consumer by their need been fulfilled resulting in call to action - CTA and increasing in sales.
Gree advertising its new refrigerator introducing in two new colors sliver and black with a blueish background giving the cooling effect for the product. Giving a straight and simple message to its new target market and retarget market about Gree's newly launched refrigerator in two new colors 
Gree advertising its newly launched refrigerator to its customers while featuring its features with image icons and showing a kitchen background the place to fit a stylish refrigerator with a satisfied lady besides it.
Gree single product advertisement with three different background and and it's feature's reliability in the modern word. Slick. smart and trendy perfect for the daily heavy duty use.
Gree advertising the most preferred concerned about the family's healthy lifestyle. Showing the newly launched refrigerator keeping the food fresh and Bactria free, featuring its features and ending to a happy living and conveying a message of satisfied customers.


